Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Grocery day!!!

Every Tuesday is grocery day. Whether we need a ton of things or just a few things. So me and Julian got up and ready to head out. The both of us aren't very big breakfast eaters, but we are junkfood eaters. So we had a bowl of pringles on our way down.
Often times when were done getting our needed supplies, we walk around the store and tend to goof off. See look, here's Julian pretending to be well I'm not quite sure.
And then again sometimes we just need to take a small rest.

Ok so were all done shopping and spending. WHEW!! Now its time to take a small ride on a hog. Who would have known there's one right when you walk outside...

Oh yes, We just had to buy this annoy toy, but it put a smile on my small passengers face so I was ok with this.

(Also cuz I had bought these as well)

After our long trip, we were pretty hungry, so ya know we went to the nearest Taco Bell and purchased some food there, and then decided to go on a picnic at the local park.
We needed to change our eating venue just a few (3-4) times.

and then he wanted a picture of just me and him......
                                              (pretty much forgot to tell me he had to pee)
this nexts ones a lil better.....

And last but not least this is Julians " mommy look at that big cockadoodler"

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